
A+C chapter 27 Finale

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Chapter 27: Big o’l happy family (finale)

“Damn it!” Camael growled lifting his head from a glistening piercing. Apolon was dazed and struggling to right himself but Camael pressed a firm hand to his chest. “You stay right there, I have a lot I want to do to you.” Camael said and then stood to answer the door. “I need to die more often…” Apolon muttered under his breath then giggled in glee at the knowledge of Camael’s insatiable lust for him.

“Hi!” Azeran said when Camael opened the door; it was then slammed shut just as fast. “Hey! Come on, open up!” Azeran barked. Camael sighed and opened it again. “What?” He asked. “Goodness you are so grumpy, even after you find out that Apolon is… lying half naked on the floor… ok.” Azeran said with a flush on his youthful cheeks. Apolon waved and smiled. “Hey!” He said cheerfully. Camael let out an exasperated breath and allowed Azeran in. “You have shitty timing.” He grumbled.

“And you have gotten quite a potty mouth.” Azeran snickered and patted Camael on the head. “We were just talking.” Apolon said and jumped onto the couch that was cockeyed in the middle of the room. “Yeah… I better get a metal shirt then next time we “talk” Camael.” Azeran grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. Apolon turned a deep shade of crimson and fiddled with the remains of his shirt. “Why are you here?” Camael asked, trying not to sound rude but failing miserably.

“It’s nice to be loved… it really is. But yes, well the Dominions have written up a scenario for you two and your little one.” Azeran said handing Camael a slip of paper. Camael looked over the form carefully then glanced up. “We adopted Valden… from a dying couple in Uganda?” Camael asked raising an eyebrow. Azeran licked his lips then nodded. “Lenne was feeling very inspire when she wrote that, I have the whole hundred page history here for you to read…when you have time.” Azeran said and pulled the stack of papers literally out of nowhere.

Camael blinked. “Oh wow, this is going to be very interesting!” Apolon said with a grin that stretched from ear to ear. “Yeah…” Camael muttered. “Where is Valden now?” Apolon asked with an excitement that would have had you believe he was about to become a father… which he kind of was. “He is outside.” Azeran said with a warm smile. Apolon flew outside and within seconds had Valden in the house and was showing him his room or what would be his room.

Camael just shook his head and smiled faintly. “Well… this should be interesting.” He muttered watching Apolon and Valden. “The Bright one is pleased with you, Prince.” Azeran said suddenly. Camael raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Well… I am pleased with myself as well.” Camael said trying to hide his joy. The truth was that if a Step was praised by the Bright one, then he or she was held in a regard above all others. Despite Camael’s arrogant remark, he was quite humbled. He just wasn’t going to let Azeran see how much.

“So… did you cry?” Azeran asked and clucked his tongue. “Do you want me to hit you?” Camael asked perfectly serious. “No…” Azeran said quickly. “Then that can be your answer.” Camael said and followed Apolon and Valden into what was going to be a computer room… apparently now it was Valden’s room. But that was just fine. Azeran vanished as Camael walked off, Camael in a way was glad that Azeran was taking his place for now, it was good for him and it was good for Camael to be away and on earth with Apolon and Valden.

“Ok so this is carpet… if you slide across it on bare knees, you will be really sorry.” Apolon explained with great emphasis. “What happens if you do?!” Valden gasped. “You get a… carpet burn!” Apolon said perfectly serious. “Now, this here is a bed, you know what that is but you have to learn to sleep in it every night. And we will have to try the shower again or maybe… maybe a bath.” He said and flicked his little beard. “Wow… every night? Ok I can do that!” Valden chimed.

“We will get you a TV for your room but the videogames stay out here because that’s for the neighborhood kids too, ok? We can’t be greedy. But I am so totally blocking the movie channels for now because you don’t… you know… understand that stuff yet.” Apolon said as if he felt he was truly being the stalwart parent here. “What stuff?” Valden asked bewildered. Camael raised his eyebrows at Apolon and grinned. “Ah, yes, what stuff?” He asked deliberately.

Apolon frowned. “Um… Birds and bees stuff.” He explained. Valden was utterly perplexed by this confusing and nonsensical statement. “Is this about the Sex again? Because Azeran said you guys had to tell me about the Sex.” Valden said seriously. Camael was grinning as he watched Apolon struggle. “Yes, you better tell him about the Sex, Apolon.” He said and rested against the doorframe.

Apolon flushed instantly.  “Why are you so red, Apolon? Is this something that is bad?” Valden asked with concern. “No, it’s… not bad. Well you see… um… when a man and a woman love each other…” Apolon started, only because he had heard people on TV start this way. “They um… do a naked dance under bed sheets.” Apolon spit out quickly. Camael burst out laughing to everyone’s surprise. “… A naked dance under bed sheets…? But, can only men and women do it? Is this not what creates babies? How does it go about creating babies?” Valden asked with wonder.

“Well… no, not just uh…heh men and women…” Apolon dodged. “You and Camael do it, is it something more than an act of child making? Why do you do it, what is the end result?” Valden pressed innocently. Apolon rubbed his face, this was a lot harder than he had ever thought it would be and he wasn’t sure why. It was perfectly natural; an act used to created bonds and life… nothing wrong with that…right? “I don’t want to go into graphic details right now but what I will tell you is that it’s an act that makes two bodies one and the end result is the creation of a new life.” Apolon said then took a moment before continuing.

“Uh…sometimes when two people, like me and Camael fall in love, the end result isn’t a new life but more a bonding experience.” He finished. Valden rolled this over in his mind for a moment. “BUT you have to be responsible with this act; you can’t simply go bonding with everything that moves. It’s meant for someone you find to be your soul mate, someone that loves you as much as you love them. Do you know how many souls we have to recycle because people accidentally create a life and don’t want it?” Camael shot in with his overly parental persona.

“Camille, easy, all he is trying to say is… that it’s a special act, not to be taken lightly. Powerful enough to not only make a life but to create a strong emotion like love. Love is good and it is bad, it will hurt you and it will make you feel as if you are floating… just… don’t ever do it, is what I am trying to say.” Apolon said with a firm smile. Camael raised an eyebrow. “Ever?” He repeated. “Ever, it’s not worth it, Valden.” Apolon concluded. Valden was utterly and completely perplexed.

“But what if I find someone that is special?” He asked. “You are of the Step, Valden. You won’t find anyone here on earth for you, trust me. It doesn’t work out.” Apolon said and smiled at Camael. He should know…  “If you say so…” Valden murmured. “Lets talk about something else; perhaps we should start reading that hundred page script from Lenne.” Camael said exiting the room. Apolon groaned loudly. “Do we gotta?” He asked in a childish whine. “Yes, and I think we should send Valden out to fetch some Chinese food for his first earth mission. It’s just down the block…” Camael said.

“You mean that slow place…?” Apolon asked licking his lips. Camael nodded curling his lip. Valden just watched them bewildered. “I will do it Prince, just ask and I shall do it!” He chimed eagerly now. Apolon reached into his pocket and handed Valden a wad of money. “Get three number fours and take your time doing it, ok?” Apolon said and shuffled Valden to the door. “But… but… which way is the place I order these numbers?!” Valden cried as he was pushed onto the front step.

“That way,” Apolon pointed down the street. “Keep going until you see a building with a red roof and Chinese writing on the walls.” He said and started to pull inside. “Wait! What is Chinese writing?” Valden asked in a panic. “Just look for the building with the red roof then, there is only one, ok go, and hurry!” With that Valden began to run down the street the way Apolon had pointed. “Aw… I love him…” Apolon muttered. He went to move back inside but he found himself being pulled inside and then pressed against the door.

Camael covered Apolon’s mouth with his and clicked the lock on the door. “He will be forever…” He muttered against Apolon’s lips. “They hardly… speak English in there…too.” Apolon gasped as Camael placed himself between his Princi’s legs and pushed him up along the door. “Wow…” Apolon moaned as Camael proceeded to ravage him. “I love you… just incase you had forgotten…” Camael purred against Apolon’s neck as Apolon made little whimpers to set him on fire.

“I love you too… Now take me you wild sex tiger!” Apolon growled. The two nearly fell over laughing at that, it seemed quite absurd and yet Camael was certainly a wild sex tiger when it came to Apolon. Apolon’s pants hit the lamp near the couch and knocked it off while Camael barely had his shirt off when Apolon took him to the floor. He used the shirt to trap Camael’s arms behind his back then licked his lips with a wicked smile. “Remember what you did to me in the tub at the hotel?” Apolon asked.

Camael flushed instantly. Apolon lowered his head, kissed Camael’s rock hard stomach then lower, then lower and lower still. “Apolon…” Camael breathed as he watched his lover open his mouth and…

Several hours later, Azeran, answered his cell that was vibrating in his pocket. “Yello?” He said seeing that it was Apolon on the caller ID.

“Hi Azeran… ”

“What’s up, you and Cam Cam finally done screwing like bunnies?”

“Not really but Valden finally came back…. Well actually we had to go find him after it got dark. We sent him for Chinese food and he didn’t come back for like five hours so… long story short he was working in the back, washing dishes… I… don’t think we will let him go alone again.”

“Aw… yeah you might want to watch him… since he hasn’t been on earth for more than two days!” Azeran said sarcastically.

“Um… so… I kinda made a deal with this woman and uh… you need to go see her.” Apolon blurted out suddenly.

There was a pause.

“What kind of deal?”

“Uh… listen; you wouldn’t want me to sin right?”

“… Why do I have a feeling I am not going to like what you have to say?”

“I made a deal with a gypsy woman to transfer my soul into the cat that you saw and in return I told her that I was an awesome sex machine and I would be back to see her but… I mean I can’t do that with Camille so… I was thinking maybe you could like… pretend to be me and um… you know…”

“… WHAT?!”

“Its not as bad as you think, she is super cute! You will have to appear a bit older for her… I think she might be late twenties.”

“You want me to go have sex with a mortal woman?!”


“Are you insane?! I could get into serious trouble if the Dominion find out about it!”

“No, no it’s cool I cleared it with the earth branch.”

“I’ll go talk to her but I am not I repeat not going to… be her sex machine!”

“Ok… but she was pretty cute. Her shop is down town, a few blocks from Adrian’s apartment. You can’t miss it, its pink!” Apolon clicked the phone off before Azeran could answer. There was a loud sigh that most of the other Powers heard but disregarded it. Azeran walked to an area of the paradise that looked as though it was the edge of the world and walked off it. He fell several miles. He was in his angelic form with his wings folded back, looking very much like Camael but with shorter hair though his dual colored eyes were his uniquely.

He simply fell right into the Gypsy woman’s shop and waited to manifest until her clients were gone. When he did manifest he appeared as a twenty something good looking man with shaggy brown hair and of course his strange eyes. The medium nearly fell out of her chair in shock; she grabbed her chest and tried to catch her breath while frantically trying to right herself. Apolon was right, she was cute...  “Hello, Miss.” He said with am unexpectedly deep voice. He was going to have to work on the aging process of his transformations…

“Y…you are the thing I put in the cat?” She asked, her high cheeks instantly turning a shade of pink. Azeran regarded her for a moment; she was busty, well proportioned, not thin but just right… in his opinion anyways. She had long curls of dark chocolate colored hair, dark beguiling eyes and the cutest bandana he had ever seen tied around her head. “No, I am here in his place actually…” He said truthfully. She looked confused… and with all honestly she should have been; it wasn’t often that you were given a substitute if a demon offered you sex…

“He is betrothed to another. So I am here to…” For some stupid reason he couldn’t managed to say “Talk” that was what he was here for…right? But she was so cute! He didn’t want to see her look disappointed… “To?” She breathed, she looked younger than she obviously was; she was about twenty-eight he guessed. “To… romance you, my dear.” He finished and grinned. So he was a softy for extremely beautiful women. Extremely beautiful, pagan gypsy women…

“My name is Cleo…” She muttered. “Azeran,” He said and bowed. He then produced a rose and handed it to her. “You are beautiful…” He whispered. She blushed deeply; ok… she was really beautiful when she blushed. “Thank you…” She said. “I think we are going to have a lovely time tonight…” Azeran said and offered his arm. She took it and they headed out of the shop but not before she flipped the closed sign around and locked the door.

The End!
…Maybe… unless I think of a story for Azeran and maybe Da’ath XD!!!! Please do give your options on that idea ^__~  Come one, you know you want to read a story that has Poppy, the grim steed in it!!!

Thanks for reading!
Well ours little angel story has come to an end :/ You know, when i first started this it was actually only supposed to be a mini story really, only about 5 chapters long but as time and story progressed and Apolon and Camael became more and more deep, i guess you could say, the story took on a life of its own XD I'm glad you liked it!

copyright Jessica Gaude 1999-2009
© 2009 - 2024 Destinyfall
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Raineve's avatar
Love it! This one Rocks Too!!!